Infesting Obstructor Xi Infesting Obstructor Xi

Well-armored and equipped with powerful weapons, this formidable rogue drone is assessed as similar in perfomance to a combat battlecruiser. Heavily-modified or "mutated" by new rogue drone technology, it is unclear if this drone originated as a captured battlecruiser of some kind or was built new in the depths of a rogue hive.

Increasingly sophisticated rogue drone infestations have been detected across New Eden in the wake of the Triglavian Invasions. These rogue drone swarms include large numbers of advanced drone types, infested capital ships, and drone-constructed capital-scale vessels that appear to operate as the mobile core of new infestations.

These new infestations appear to be related to the "Unshackled Overminds" that are speculated to have come into contact with the Triglavian Collective while remaining independent. CONCORD theorists from the Directive Omega-One-Five Section have speculated that exposure to Triglavian information warfare and subsequent adaptation to it has resulted in accelerated evolution within these rogue drone swarms.

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